Mother's Day Litter, Birth to 3 weeks  |  whelped 11 May 2006
Females: Goose, Penny, Fleur  |  Males: Cutter, Zap
Go to images of  
Birth to 3 weeks  |  4 weeks  |  girls at 6 weeks  |  boys, 6 weeks to present


Penny confiding in Mom, at 3 weeks old

3 weeks old: Goose and Zap

2 weeks old, from top: Penny, Cutter, Goose, Zap, Fleur

Right: 3 days old, clockwise from legs outstretched at left: Zap, Penny, Fleur, Goose, Cutter

Go to Family Line-up at 10 Days Old

3 weeks old: Goose, Fleur

3 weeks old: Cutter

2 weeks old: Goose realizes there's life outside the box

© 2007, Grace Wilkinson