GCh Ivywood's
She's the One
blue roan bitch
Whelped 12-15-12
GCh Ivywood's Some Like It Hot
x GCh Ivywood's She's Da'Bomb CA
Bred by Deb Mauterer, Karen Griswa
Owned by Grace and Mike Wilkinson, Karen Griswa and Deb Mauterer
OptiGen PRA Normal
OFA Hips Excellent
FN Presumed Normal
AN Clear
BAER Normal, CERF Normal 2014
Click image to enlarge

Libby was Reserve Winners Bitch at the English
Cocker Spaniel Club of America's 2014 National Specialty. |

She finished her Grand Championship at
Mispillion, during the Salisbury Specialty weekend, November 2014. |
Libby became a champion when she took Reserve Winners Bitch at the 2014
ECSCA National Specialty, under breeder-judge Margaret Wilson.
She earned her other points and two more majors from the 9-12 months class,
during a 4-week period in late 2013. She was Best of Winners at every show she
entered except one, a large Specialty at which she won First in her class.
All four puppies in her first litter (Blizzard)
and all three puppies in her third litter (March
Madness) became champions. |

Libby is an ECSCA Top Producing Dam 2016 and EC
of Merit. |