Mother's Day Litter growing up ...
Cutter and Zap
Over the summer of 2006, the girls joined their
families. Goose was the first to go, to a wonderful family in
Manhattan. She watches the Hudson River from the floor-to-ceiling
windows in her beautiful condo, while Olivia and Simone dote on her like
a third sister. Hubbard, now Penny, moved to Connecticut with a fun,
young family with a large property with plenty of running room and lots to
do with three active boys. Barker is now Fleur, enjoying the beautiful
flowers and homestead of a couple in Massachusetts who had been
waiting for a blue roan bitch for two years. A happy situation
all around!
The boys stayed at Cliffwalk.
Whistler is now Cutter, Ch Cliffwalk's Cutaway. Zap is still Zap,
Cliffwalk's Rough Point.

Cutter took his first major winning Best of
Breed over specials at the Cape Cod shows in 2008.


Boston, Dec 2006: Zap took reserve to the major
and Best Puppy. Handler: Joanne Torres.