March Madness Litter
Week 9
Go to Weeks 1-2  Week 3

Ch Ainsley's Ivywood Rock Star x GCh Ivywood's She's the One  |  whelped 8 March 2017
Duke-dog, Indiana-bitch, Carolina-bitch

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Ready to dine al fresco ...


Duke is obsessed with a bone on a bungee.

... no one seems embarrassed to be carted around in the ready-box.

Indiana got the bone and Carolina got the boy.
We're often asked how young we start puppies wearing snoods.  We like to get them used to the feeling of a snood when they first start eating from their own dishes, alone in their crates, at around 5-6 weeks old.

They're more interested in the food than the snood, and when they're alone they're not pestered by their littermates' yanking on them.

Carolina hogs the ball, so Duke bonks her on the nose.

© 2007, Grace Wilkinson